Saturday, February 23, 2008


"False Friends" are words that can be confusing because they are similar to Spanish words although their meaning is totally different. Some of them are:

actual: real, efectivo (y no actual, que se dice current)
actually: en realidad (y no actualmente, que se dice nowadays, at present)
to advertise: anunciar (y no advertir, que se dice to warn)
advice: consejos (y no aviso, que se dice warning, notice)
to apologise: pedir disculpas (y no apología, que se dice defence)
argument: discusión, pelea (y no argumento de un libro/una película, que se dice plot)
army: ejército (y no arma, que se dice navy)
avocado: aguacate (y no abogado, que se dice lawyer)
balloon: globo (y no balón, que se dice ball)
bank: banco - la institución (y no banco de plaza, que se dice bench)
billion: mil millones (y no billón, que se dice trillion)
brave: valiente (y no bravo, que se dice fierce)
camp: base militar o campamento (y no campo en general, que se dice field)
carpet: alfombra (y no carpeta, que se dice folder)
cartoon: dibujos animados, tira cómica (y no cartón, que se dice cardboard)
collar: cuello de las prendas de vestir (y no collar, que se dice necklace)
college: facultad, colegio universitario (y no colegio, que se dice school)
command: orden, mandato (y no comando, que se dice commando unit)
commodity: mercancía o materia prima (y no comodidad, que se dice comfort)
confident: seguro de sí mismo (y no confidente, que se dice confidant)
(to be) constipated: sufrir de estreñimiento (y no estar constipado, que se dice to have a cold/chill)
council: consejo (y no conciliar, que se dice to reconcile)
curse: maldición (y no curso, que se dice course)
dessert: postre (y no desierto, que se dice desert)
dinner: cena (y no dinero, que se dice money)
dramatic: drástico, espectacular
economics: economía (y no económicos, que se dice cheap)
embarrassed: avergonzado/a (y no embarazada, que se dice pregnant)
eventually: finalmente, tarde o temprano (y no eventualmente que se dice by chance, possibly)
exit: salida (y no éxito, que se dice success)
fabric: tela (y no fábrica, que se dice factory)
familiar: conocido, familiar (adjetivo) (y no pariente, familiar (sustantivo), que se dice relative)
form: formulario (y no forma, que se dice shape)
fume: vapor o gas (y no fumar, que se dice smoke)
gracious: cortés (y no gracioso, que se dice funny)
grocery: tienda de comestibles (y no grosería, que se dice rudeness o rude word/expression)
large: grande (y no largo, que se dice long)
lecture: conferencia (y no lectura, que se dice reading)
lentil: lenteja (y no lentilla, que se dice contact lens)
letter: letra del abecedario o carta (y no letra de una canción, que se dice lyrics)
library: biblioteca (y no librería, que se dice bookshop)
luxury: lujo (y no lujuria, que se dice lust)
mayor: alcalde (y no mayor, que se dice bigger)
media: medios (y no media, que se dice sock)
misery: tristeza (y no miseria, que se dice poverty)
once: una vez (y no once, que se dice eleven)
pan: cacerola, cazuela (y no pan, que se dice bread)
parade: desfile (y no pared, que se dice wall)
parents: padres (y no parientes, que se dice relatives)
policy: política (y no policía, que se dice police)
politic: diplomático, cortés o prudente (y no político, que se dice politician)
preservative: conservante (y no preservativo, que se dice condom)
to realize: darse cuenta (y no realizar, que se dice to make)
to record: grabar (y no recordar, que se dice to remember)
to remove: quitar, eliminar (y no remover, que se dice to stir)
to resume: reanudar, continuar o reasumir (y no resumir, que se dice to summarize o to sum up)
salad: ensalada (y no salado, que se dice salty)
sane: cuerdo (y no sano, que se dice healthy)
sensible: sensitivo (y no sensible, que se dice sensitive)
sensitive: sensible (y no sensitivo, que se dice sensible)
signature: firma (y no asignatura, que se dice subject)
success: éxito (y no suceso, que se dice event)
to support: apoyar (y no soportar, que se dice to put up with)
sympathy: compasión, comprensión, pésame (y no simpatía, que se dice friendliness, affection)
target: objetivo (y no tarjeta, que se dice card)
tax: impuesto (y no taxi, que se dice taxi)
terrific: fenomenal, genial (y no terrorífico, que se dice terrifying)
to traduce: calumniar (y no traducir, que se dice to translate)
to translate: traducir (y no trasladarse, que se dice to move)
tramp: vagabundo (y no trampa, que se dice trap)
ultimate: final (y no último, que se dice last)
umpire: árbitro (y no imperio, que se dice empire)
zealous: entusiasta (y no celoso, que se dice jealous)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Here you have some examples:

The bandage was wound around the wound.

The farm was used to produce produce.

We must polish the Polish furniture.

The soldier decided to desert his dessert in the desert..

A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.

When shot at, the dove dove into the bushes.

I did not object to the object.

The insurance was invalid for the invalid.

Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.

They were too close to the door to close it.

To help with planting, the farmer taught his sow to sow.

The wind was too strong to wind the sail.

After a number of injections my jaw got number.

Upon seeing the tear in the painting I shed a tear.

I had to subject the subject to a series of tests.

How can I intimate this to my most intimate friend?

Let's face it - English is a crazy language.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Did you know that St. Valentine's Day, February 14 is the second most celebrated day in the United States, after December 25?
Do you have a love story to tell? Leave your special composition here.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Tell us about your experience in Spain if you come from another country. What is the best thing of being here?, and the worst? do Spanish people treat foreigners?

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Classroom Poems

Last term, we prepared a fantastic book of poetry written in the English lessons by students of 3 and 4 ESO. You can have a look in The book is called as our blog: "Star Chart" and it was just the beginning! Let's see what this year is going to bring to our lessons! Here we have one of the poems:

Down Fall

One dark stormy night

I turned to my left, I turned to my right

Looking down I couldn’t believe the height

As I threw myself off I began to take flight

I wasn’t heavy I was light

As I hit the floor I saw the light.

Matthew Ray.

Peace Day

The students of 4 ESO have been working hard on their projects to celebrate the Peace Day (30 th January). There were two topics: Protest Songs and The image of women in songs. They used our brand new computers to prepare interesting presentations. Well done!