A limerick is a five-line poem with a strict form, originally popularized in English by Edward Lear. Limericks are frequently witty or humorous, and sometimes obscene with humorous intent. A limerick has five lines, with three metrical feet in the first, second, and fifth lines and two metrical feet in the third and fourth lines. The rhyme scheme is usually AABBA. The first line of a limerick traditionally introduces a person and a place, with the place appearing at the end of the first line and therefore establishing the rhyme scheme for the second and fifth lines.
A well-known example is:
Hickere, Dickere Dock,
A Mouse ran up the Clock,
The Clock Struck One,
The Mouse fell down,
And Hickere Dickere Dock.
Can you write a limerick? Visit http://www.teachingideas.co.uk/english/limerick.htm and post it here!!
We went to the park one day
for a happy evening of play
but then Sandra fell down
her leg was totally brown
and the doctor cut it off on Monday
SaNdRa aNd lOReNa!!!
There was a little lion
wich name was Bryan
he cried all night long
and he didn't have fun
and his favourite colour was cyan.
Andra&Java 3ºB
There was a old man from Berlingo,
who went to do the shopping.
He be late at the dinner
in Manhatan with her sister
so he must do the cooking
By: Adriana and Jesus 3ºB
There was a man at the train station,
Who had a big constipation.
He went to a private room,
And then he expulsed a spoon
With whom he had a conversation.
By : Gema Salas Parra and Raquel Torres Flores (3ºB)
Poem By:Miriam and Adrian.
There was a old man from Andrea,
Who ate five yellow bananas and died
The bananas fermented
inside the lamented,
And made cider inside her insides.
There once was a man called Bob
Who couldn't get a job
Whenever he gets hired
He end's up being fired
Then gets a smack in the gob!
David Montgomery Copcutt 3ºC
I once had a friend called Loraine
Who went on a cruise to Spain,
She got so bored,
She jumped overboard,
And swam all the way to a plane.
There once was fellow named Tim
whose dad never taught him to swim
the fell off a dock
and sunk like a rock
and that was the end of him.
Rocio Invernon & Rocio Montero.
The beSt... =)
I went one day to Bombay
a big tall man told me Hey!!!
look at the sky
there is a big fly
I saw her flying away.
Dainius y Jaime 3ºA
There was an old man from Peru
who dreamed he was eating his shoe
He awoke in the night
with a terrible fright
and found out that it was quite true
Paloma Montero & Ikkianore Moreno.
There was a boy called Pete
who only ate meat
he only played WoW
and one hitted, POW
and didn't even stop to take a leak.
Ben y Diego
there was a young man who robbed books
he looked and looked then he took
he robbed from the shops
and then dodged the cops
and ran home with his partner the cook
There was an european cup at Viena
in which the selection played whit Senna
his goals made us win
more than one fall rings
and Luis return to convene Senna.
Enrique y Francisco 3ºA
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